Pain Management Physician in Carlsbad, California
Pain Management Physician in Carlsbad, California
We are conveniently located in Carlsbad in the north county of San Diego. Please see our map below and don’t hesitate to contact our office for assistance with directions. Our friendly office staff is here to help!
Fusion Physical Medicine
3144 El Camino Real, Suite 204
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Office (760) 729-0222
Fax (760) 434-2201
Take the 5 North freeway to Carlsbad Village Drive and make a right at the light. Proceed to El Camino Real and make a left at the light. We are the second building on the right.
Take the 5 South to Carlsbad Village Drive and make a left at the light. Proceed to El Camino Real and make a left at the light. We are the second building on the right.
Take the 78 freeway west and exit El Camino Real. Make a left at the light and proceed to Carlsbad Village Drive. Make a U-TURN at the light and we are the second building on the right.